quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

Reengenharia do Estado

I - Estado e Capitalismo Regulatório


1. Regulatory capitalism - Levi-Faur, p. 289-302 

2. Neoliberalism or Regulatory Capitalism? - Regulatory Capitalism? - Braithwaite

3. Regulatory rule of law - Taylor , p. 393-413

4. Regulatory Capitalism, Accountability and Democracy - Scott 

5.  The regulatory state and beyond - Scott , p. 265-287


II - Estado Regulatório e Globalização 


6. Regulatory globalisation - Drahos, p. 249-264 

7. Transnational non-state regulatory regimes - Tusikov , p. 339-353 

8. The Microsoft Ireland case and the cyberspace sovereignty trilemma. Post-territorial technologies and companies question territorial statesovereignty and regulatory state monopolies - Hert/Thumfart

9. The Missing Regulatory State: Monitoring Businesses in an Age ofSurveillance - Loo 

10. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A New Ideology - Moll


The Future Will Not Be Calculated: NeuralNets, Neoliberalism, and Reactionary Politics - Halpern


III. Estado Regulatório e Elitismo


11. Guardians of Democracy?Elite Beliefs and the Theory of Democratic Elitism -  Peffley/Rohrschneider

12 Aristocracy, Democracy, and Liberalism: Using the Tocquevillean Dichotomy to Understand Modern Liberalism - Lewis


Introduction. Elite Theory - Damele/Campos

Elite and Liberal Democracy: A New Equilibrium? - Campati.

The Weberian foundations of modern elite theory and democratic elitism - Pakulski

IV. Pós-Estado Regulatório:  COVID, Estado e Globalização


13. The Fatal Failure of the Regulatory State – Viscusi

14. . Jones, Lee, and Shahar Hameiri. "COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state." Review of international political economy 29, no. 4 (2022): 1027-1052

15. Neoliberalism is not dead–On political implications of Covid-19 - Šumonja

16. De la Covid-19 al fin del neoliberalismo - Saad-Filho

17. Does COVID-19 as a Long Wave Turning Point Mean - Kiliç

18. De-Globalisation? Global Value Chains in the Post-COVID-19 Age - Antràs

19. Global supply chains after COVID-19: the end of the road for neoliberal globalisation? - Clinton/Hecimovic.

20. Another Globalisation: Covid-19 and theCosmopolitan Imagination - Chernilo, p. 157-169


V. China


Liu, Mingyue, et al. "China’s poverty alleviation over the last 40 years: Successes and challenges." Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64.1 (2020): 209-228. 

Wang, Changsong, et al. "Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization: Perspective of fiscal spending and data evidence from 81 Chinese counties." Heliyon 9.7 (2023). 

VI. Textos Alternativos

Levi-Faur, David. "The global diffusion of regulatory capitalism." The annals of the American academy of political and social science 598.1 (2005): 12-32.

Braithwaite, John. "Regulatory capitalism, extinctions and China." Available at SSRN 3767372 (2021).

Schmidt, Rebecca, and Colin Scott. "Regulatory discretion: structuring power in the era of regulatory capitalism." Legal Studies 41.3 (2021): 454-473.

Walters, Daniel E. "The administrative agon: A democratic theory for a conflictual regulatory state." Yale LJ 132 (2022): 1.

Lavenex, Sandra, Omar Serrano, and Tim Büthe. "Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux." Regulation & Governance 15.3 (2021): 445-471.



Coronavírus e a luta declasses - Davis et al

Rethinking neoliberalism - Dean

LEIBFRIED et al,Transformation of the state

Colin Hay. The State: Theories and Issues  

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