domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2021

Transnational corporation, Environment and human rights

 Empresas e direitos humanos

ARNOLD, Denis G. Corporations and human rights obligations. Business and Human Rights Journal, v. 1, n. 2, p. 255-275, 2016.

WALENIUS, Desirée. The impact of the power balance between the state and the transnational corporation on human rights. 2020.

KRAJEWSKI, Markus. The state duty to protect against human rights violations through transnational business activities. Deakin L. Rev., v. 23, p. 13, 2018.

GREAR, Anna; WESTON, Burns H. The betrayal of human rights and the urgency of universal corporate accountability: Reflections on a post-Kiobel lawscape. Human Rights Law Review, v. 15, n. 1, p. 21-44, 2015.

O'BRIEN, Claire Methven; DHANARAJAN, Sumithra. The corporate responsibility to respect human rights: A status review. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2016.

VARGAS-JUVERA, Jorge Tadeo; CARRASCO-GALLEGOS, Brisa Violeta. Derechos humanos y transnacionales: una mirada a la falta de justicia socio-ambiental.

BOHM, Maria Laura. Empresas transnacionales, violaciones de derechos humanos y violencia estructural en América Latina: un enfoque criminológico. Crítica Penal y Poder, n. 13, 2017.

OLSEN, Ana Carolina Lopes; PAMPLONA, Danielle Anne. Violações a direitos humanos por empresas transnacionais na América Latina: perspectivas de responsabilização. Revista Direitos Humanos e Democracia, v. 7, n. 13, p. 129-151, 2019.

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GIULIANI, Elisa. Human rights and corporate social responsibility in developing countries’ industrial clusters. Journal of Business Ethics, v. 133, n. 1, p. 39-54, 2016.

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KHOURY, Stéfanie; WHYTE, David. Sidelining corporate human rights violations: The failure of the OECD’s regulatory consensus. Journal of Human Rights, v. 18, n. 4, p. 363-381, 2019.

SALEME, EDSON RICARDO; SABORITA, Silvia Elena Barreto. A ADOÇÃO DA SUSTENTABILIDADE DOS GRUPOS TRANSNACIONAIS, E OS ESFORÇOS DA OCDE. Revista de Direito, Economia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, v. 5, n. 1, p. 23-38, 2019.

BILCHITZ, David. The necessity for a business and human rights treaty. Business and Human Rights Journal, v. 1, n. 2, p. 203-227, 2016.

LOURENÇO DEFILIPPI HOBEIKA, Monica et al. Las empresas transnacionales y los derechos humanos. El camino hacia una acción más responsable: el compliance en derechos humanos. 2019.

TEUBNER, Gunther. The anonymous matrix: Human rights violations by ‘private’ transnational actors. In: Critical theory and legal autopoiesis. Manchester University Press, 2019.

BASALLO, Cristian Anderson Rodríguez. Responsabilidad internacional pública de las empresas transnacionales por la violación de los derechos humanos. Principia Iuris, v. 16, n. 34, p. 66-97, 2019.

TONDO, Ana Lara. Direitos humanos, autorregulação e responsabilidade social empresarial: dos códigos de conduta das empresas transnacionais–cidadania ou inefetividade?. 2019.


SKINNER, Gwynne. Rethinking limited liability of parent corporations for foreign subsidiaries' violations of international human rights law. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., v. 72, p. 1769, 2015.

KNÖPFEL, Laura. CSR Communication in Transnational Human Rights Litigations Against Parent Companies. TLI Think, 2018.

PAYNE, Leigh A.; PEREIRA, Gabriel. Corporate complicity in international human rights violations. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, v. 12, p. 63-84, 2016.

ŠVANDOVÁ, Helena. Responsibility of Transnational Corporations for Human Rights Violations under International Law. 2020.

D’ANIELLO ELIZALDE, Giancarlo Antonio et al. El tratado internacional de derechos humanos y empresas transnacionales. 2020. Dissertação de Mestrado. Quito, EC: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede E


SALES PALLARÉS, Lorena; MARULLO, Maria Chiara. El «ángulo muerto» del Derecho Internacional: las empresas transnacionales y sus cadenas de suministro. 2018.

BENACCHIO, Marcelo; DEZEM, Renata Mota Maciel. A atuação socioambiental das empresas transnacionais na ótica dos direitos humanos. Desarrollo en Brasil, España y la Unión Europea, p. 35.

SANTOSO, Benny. “Just Business”–Is the Current Regulatory Framework an Adequate Solution to Human Rights Abuses by Transnational Corporations?. German Law Journal, v. 18, n. 3, p. 533-558, 2017.

ANDREWS, Nathan. Normative spaces and the UN Global Compact for transnational corporations: the norm diffusion paradox. Journal of International Relations and Development, v. 22, n. 1, p. 77-106, 2019.

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ARISTOVA, Ekaterina. Tort litigation against transnational corporations in the English courts: The challenge of jurisdiction. Utrecht L. Rev., v. 14, p. 6, 2018.

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VARVASTIAN, Samvel; KALUNGA, Felicity. Transnational Corporate Liability for Environmental Damage and Climate Change: Reassessing Access to Justice after Vedanta v. Lungowe. Transnational Environmental Law, v. 9, n. 2, p. 323-345, 2020.

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XAVIER, Juliana Benício; DA SILVA, Lucas Reis. A nova lei que institui o direito de vigilância na França: uma luz no fim do túnel contra a impunidade das grandes empresas transnacionais. Revista Ciências do Trabalho, n. 18, 2020.

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HENDI, Seyedeh Zahra. The role of multinational corporations in human security and environmental protection. Молодий вчений, n. 8, p. 417-424, 2017

Aspectos criminais

ALVES, Bruno Moraes et al. Crimes ambientais corporativos e a necessidade de regulamentação das empresas transnacionais. 2017.

MÁRQUEZ, Daniel Iglesias. La investigación y el enjuiciamiento de crímenes ambientales cometidos en el marco de las actividades empresariales ante la Corte Penal Internacional. Seqüência: Estudos Jurídicos e Políticos, v. 41, n. 86, p. 89-122, 2020.

CHALAKKAL, Kavitha. Access to Justice Under International Law: Claims Against Environmental Crimes of Transnational Corporations. Kavitha Chalakkal (2019),“Access to Justice under International Law: Claims against Environmental Crimes of Transnational Corporations”, ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights, 2019.

PALAO, Pablo Serra. Cómo hacer frente a la impunidad ambiental: hacia una Convención Internacional contra el ecocidio. Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental, n. 100, p. 6-35, 2020.

HALL, Matthew et al. Environmental victimisation: corporate villainy or state connivance?. Radical Criminology, 2018.


FORNASARI, Federico. Knowledge and Power in Measuring the Sustainable Corporation: Stock Exchanges as Regulators of ESG Factors Disclosure. Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev., v. 19, p. 167, 2020.

HALBRITTER, Gerhard; DORFLEITNER, Gregor. The wages of social responsibility—where are they? A critical review of ESG investing. Review of Financial Economics, v. 26, p. 25-35, 2015.

LAUKKANEN, Hermanni Samu Kalevi. ESG Rating and Corporation Financing Costs: Evidence from Nordic Countries. 2020.


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BERRONE, Pascual; FOSFURI, Andrea; GELABERT, Liliana. Does greenwashing pay off? Understanding the relationship between environmental actions and environmental legitimacy. Journal of Business Ethics, v. 144, n. 2, p. 363-379, 2017.

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Capitalismo ético

VORSTER, Paul. The three principles of ethical capitalism. CIGFARO Journal (Chartered Institute of Government Finance Audit and Risk Officers), v. 20, n. 2, p. 14-17, 2019.

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