segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2014

Bases biológicas do julgamento moral

I - Conceitos e correntes

Moral Judgment    
Moral Judgment II 
Deontological Ethics
Our multi-system moral psychology   
Moral heuristic

II - Teorias cognitivas (evolucionismo moral)

Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action
Piaget, Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Others onMoral Development
Moral development: A review of the theory
Golden Rule Reasoning, Moral Judgement and Law
A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications 

III - Teorias emotivistas da moral

La tesis emocionalista sobre los juicios de valor
Moral Reasoning: Hints and Allegations    
Deciding Versus Reacting
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Judgment   

Universal moral grammar: Theory, evidence and the future 
On the Conceptual and the Empirical-A Critique of John Mikhail's Cognitivism
Gramática emocional: bases cognitivas y sociales del juicio moral
Evolución y ética: las bases biológicas de la moral
Is it Reasonable to “Rely on Intuitions” in Ethics?
Marc D. Hauser: La mente moral
Moral thinking
The moral mind: How five sets of innate intuitions guide...
Moral cognition and its neural constituent
Judgment before principle: engagement of the frontoparietal control network in condemning harms of omission
En busca de un fundamento crítico y social de la moral desde una perspectiva neurocientífica
De las neuronas espejo a la neuropolítica moral
(De) Localizing Social Neuroscience: Reconstituting the Social Brain within a Social World

We feel, therefore we learn (revista com diversos textos)
Damage to the prefrontal cortex increases utiltarian moral judgements
La contribución de la neurociencia a la comprensión de la conducta: El caso de la moral

IV- O estado da arte no direito

Evolucionismo y naturaleza humana: hacia una reformulación de la biopolítica
Psychology of Emotional Legal Decision Making
Judicial neurobiology, Markarian synthesis and emotion: How can the human brain make sentencing decisions?
A neuroscientific approach to normative judgment in law and justice 
Sensitive Judges-How to Resolve the Tangle of Legal Decision-Making and Emotion [PDF]
How neuroscience might advance the lawMoral grammar and intuitive jurisprudence: a formal model of unconscious moral and legal knowledge
Lost in translation?: an essay on law and neuroscience
Law and the brain: introduction
Situating Emotion: A Critical Realist View of Emotion and Nonconscious Cognitive Processes for Law and Legal Theory
As origens evolutivas da cooperação humana e suas implicações para a teoria do direito
Neuroscience, ethics and society: A review of the field
Moral innatism and legal theory 
El derecho y el órgano de la moral
Fundamentos filosóficos del Derecho y la neurociencia
Neuroética. Derecho y neurociencia
Derecho y neurociencia
El reto de la libertad para las neurociencias
El derecho bajo una visión neurocientifica
Implicaciones normativas de la psicología moral: Jonathan Haidt y el desconcierto moral
No nonsense neuro-law
Normas, sanciones y control
Neuroscience, Genetic Technology, and the Law
El impacto de la neurociencia sobre ... la responsabilidad subjetiva
Hacia un modelo de neuro-responsabilidad
The neural correlates of third-party punishment
Derecho Penal y Neurociencias:¿ Una relación tormentosa?
Fundamento y fines del Derecho penal: Una revisión a la luz de las aportaciones de la neurociencia
Genetics and criminal responsibility
The mad, the bad, and the psychopath [HTML]
Libertad de voluntad, investigación sobre el cerebro y responsabilidad penal
Neurociencias y derecho penal: nuevas perspectivas para viejos problemas
Neurolaw and Direct Brain Interventions
Lie-Detection, Neuroscience, and the Law of Evidence
International environmental law and emotional rational choice
---Emperor Has No Clothes: Postmodern Legal Thought and Cognitive Science
From Universalistic Law to the Law of Uncertainty
---Markets and morality: How does competition affect moral judgment

Neuroética:¿ Las bases cerebrales de una ética universal con relevancia política? [PDF]

V- Outros aspectos

Moral dilemmas
The dishonesty of honest people: A theory of self-concept maintenance

The origins of religion : evolved adaptation or by-product?
The duality of virtue: Deconstructing the moral hypocrite    

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