Bloco I - Teorias sobre o julgamento moral
Deontological Ethics (a)Moral Judgment (a)
Our multi-system moral psychology (a)
- A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications (teste de Hauser)
Bloco II - Teorias cognitivas do julgamento moral
Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action (a)
- Piaget, Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Others onMoral Development (b)
- Moral development: A review of the theory (b)
Golden Rule Reasoning, Moral Judgement and Law (a)
Bloco III - Bases bioneurais do julgamento moral
The moral mind: How five sets of innate intuitions guide... (a)
Universal moral grammar: Theory, evidence and the future (a)
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Judgment (a)
- Moral cognition and its neural constituents (b)
- The new synthesis in moral psychology (b)
Moral Reasoning: Hints and Allegations (a)
- Deciding Versus Reacting (b)
Bloco IV - Constituição e julgamento moral
O debate de legitimidade e legitimação
Luhmann, Habermas e o Estado de Direito (Neves) (a)
How the law thinks: toward a constructivist epistemology of law (Teubner) (a)
Law and morality (Habermas) (a)
Is there a Psychology of Judging? [PDF] de (a)
Constitutional positivism (Schauer) (a)
- Constitucionalismo y positivismo (Figueroa)
What are Constitutions and what should (and can) they do (L. Alexander) (a)
Progressive and Conservative Constitutionalism (West) (a)
Constitutional democracy: a paradoxical union of contradictory principles? (Habermas) (a)
Neoconstitucionalismo, democracia e imperialismo de la moral (Barberis) (a)
Constitucionalismo principialista y constitucionalismo garantista (Ferrajoli) (a)
Aspectos generales del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano (p.157ss) (Pastor/Dalmau) (a')
Dramas, conflictos y promesas del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano (Gargarella) (a')
A Constituição como projeto
Constitucionalismo latinoamericano (p. 58ss) (a)Complementos
-- Teoria da Constituição e dos Direitos Fundamentais (JALS)
-- A Constituição pode fundar uma república? (Gallupo)
--Além do Positivismo Jurídico (Álvaro/Bernardo)