domingo, 17 de março de 2019

Justiça ambiental - 2019.1

I – Justiça Ambiental: concepções

3. PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald. Introduction: Revisiting the Environmental Justice Challenge to Environmentalism. In PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald (eds). Environmental Justice and Environmentalism The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement. Cambridge: MIT, 2007, p. 1-24.

II – Justiça ambiental e risco

III – Justiça ambiental e pobreza

10. WENZ, Peter. Does Environmentalism Promote Injustice for the Poor? In PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald (eds). Environmental Justice and Environmentalism The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement. Cambridge: MIT, 2007, p. 57-84.
13.  COX, Robert. Golden Tropes and Democratic Betrayals: Prospects for the Environment and Environmental Justice in Neoliberal “Free Trade” Agreements. In PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald (eds). Environmental Justice and Environmentalism The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement. Cambridge: MIT, 2007, p. 225-250.

IV - Justiça ambiental global

17. ROBERTS, J. Timmons. Globalizing Environmental Justice. In PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald (eds). Environmental Justice and Environmentalism The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement. Cambridge: MIT, 2007, p. 285-308

V - Justiça ambiental e movimentos sociais

VI - Justiça ambiental e comunidade indígena

21. DI CHIRO, Giovanna. Indigenous Peoples and Biocolonialism: Defining the “Science of Environmental Justice” in the Century of the Gene, In PEZZULLO, Phaedra C.; SANDLER, Ronald (eds). Environmental Justice and Environmentalism The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement. Cambridge: MIT, 2007, p. 251-284

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